Mohsin Usman Qureshi(東京大学)
I am very glad to be awarded the “Award of Excellence” for presentation at GeoKanto-2009, which encouraged my efforts for research in the field of Geotechnical Engineering. The presented work of field experiments was one of milestone in progress of my doctoral research on “Role of weathering in slope instabilities”. A large scale direct shear test was performed on deposited weathered geomaterials which were eroded from seismically disturbed slopes in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan after 2005 Kashmir earthquake. The equipment was simple in use and manufactured locally. In-situ shear strength provided valuable information for slope failure risk assessment. Some minor technical problems had been faced and fixed during the trial of new equipment, but the high temperature (45° C) was one of major issues during the test execution which I count as a good experience in field research. I am appreciative to my supervisor, Prof. Ikuo Towhata for his guidance and valuable discussions. I also extend my gratitude to my colleagues for support during the field experiments, and to my family for their good wishes. Last but not the least; I appreciate the Japanese Geotechnical society who provided a platform to the young researchers for improvement in their research and presentation skills.